
Ventspils Grain Terminal maintains membership and continues cooperation with LAFF and FIATA

As a terminal and forwarding agent, JSC “Ventspils Grain Terminal” provides the entirety of services to ensure cargo transportation from Latvian border to loading on board the vessel and back at the most favorable conditions for the client.

In order to maintain a high level of qualification of its specialists, to receive timely relevant information and to ensure the opportunity to participate in the development of regulatory documents governing the freight forwarding and logistics industry, Ventspils Grain Terminal maintains a permanent membership in the Latvian National Association of Freight Forwarders and Logistics (LAFF), as well as in the International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations (FIATA).

LAFF at the state level and FIATA at the international level represent and protect the interests of service providers who work in the field of trade logistics and supply chain management, promote the simplification of trade procedures and the introduction of best practices in the freight forwarding community.

Using cooperation with LAFF and FIATA, accumulated knowledge and rich practical experience, specialists of JSC “Ventspils Grain Terminal” assist clients in resolving complex logistics tasks, taking into account the most rational methods of cargo transportation and organization of handling operations, as well as organize transshipment in the port in accordance with current technological standards and rules. Along with the basic package of services, the company competently and promptly performs all necessary customs procedures.

LAFF Certificate FIATA Certificate

The Analytical Sample Laboratory of JSC “Ventspils Grain Terminal” once again confirmed the high level of quality of its work

The Analytical Sample Laboratory of JSC “Ventspils Grain Terminal” once again confirmed the high level of quality of its work and provided services by passing the LATAK re-accreditation process for compliance with the requirements of the LVS EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard.

The laboratory started its work in 2005 and is now one of the largest and most modern laboratories in the Baltic States for testing various cereals, legumes, oilseeds and numerous products of their processing.

Every year the laboratory expands its scope of testing to meet the growing requirements of customers by modernizing and improving its technical equipment, introducing the latest innovations from the world's leading brands of laboratory equipment.

You can familiarize yourself with the scope of the accreditation of the laboratory either at the laboratory itself at the customer's request or on the LATAK website (accreditation certificate number LATAK-T-401).

Accreditation certificate

Ventspils Grain Terminal is ready to participate in new projects

As part of interstate negotiations and consultations held after the suspension of the “grain deal”, to resolve issues of transit of Ukrainian grain through the Baltic ports, on August 15, the Ventspils Grain Terminal was visited by the Ambassador of Ukraine to Latvia Anatoliy Kutsevol with an accompanying delegation.

Earlier, the Minister for Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia, Didzis Šmits, said that the export of Ukrainian grain through Latvian ports is not an impossible scenario. If an acceptable logistical solution is found, Ventspils terminal is ready to join this new program.

The terminal is constantly developing the cargo handling technology, allowing to offer customers new opportunities, and the annual certification and accreditation of the company in international industry structures, as well as the constant improvement of the quality management system guarantees the highest level of provision of services.

In addition to systematic work with local cargo, JSC “Ventspils Grain Terminal” is constantly increasing the degree of its participation in the transit programs of agricultural crops and their products, and this year, among other things, it resumes active cooperation with partners from Kazakhstan. At the same time, the technological potential and the unique versatile range of services provided allow the company to apply for new large-scale projects.

The regular recertification of the terminal's quality, environment and energy management system was carried out

On November 14, 2022, based on the results of the regular audit, the international audit company Bureau Veritas extended the validity of ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 certificates for JSC „Ventspils Grain Terminal”.

The integrated quality and environmental management system, introduced at the terminal in 2007 and supplemented with energy management elements in 2018, the activities of JSC “Ventspils Grain Terminal” were recognized as complying with international requirements until November 2025.

Valid certificates guarantee the high quality of services and the efficiency of process management at AS „Ventspils Grain Terminal”, as well as confirm the most environmentally friendly operation.

Certificate ISO 9001 Certificate ISO 14001

JSC „Ventspils Grain Terminal” is actively preparing for the new season

JSC „Ventspils Grain Terminal” is actively preparing for the new season and the acceptance of this year's grain cargoes, carrying out additional automation and mechanization of technological operations, ensuring the highest level of quality of its services and increasing the productivity of processes.

In particular, a mechanical sampler of the Rakoraf series (manufactured by Pfeuffer, Germany) was put into operation at the terminal, which allows for quick and representative sampling of cargo transported by road, their automatic transportation to the laboratory, cleaning and preparation for testing.

Taking into that the analytical laboratory of the terminal is accredited by LATAK and certified by GAFTA, the use of new equipment allows to ensure the highest level of assessment and quality control of any handled cargo.

Testing and Analytical Laboratory of JSC "Ventspils Grain Terminal" confirmed its accreditation

During May of this year, the Testing and Analytical Laboratory of JSC "Ventspils Grain Terminal" confirmed its accreditation and full compliance with the international standard LVS EN ISO/IEC 17025, which defines the general requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories.

The scope of laboratory accreditation includes numerous methods for testing grains, legumes, oilseeds, numerous products of their processing, as well as environmental objects - atmospheric air, working area air, storm water.

Accreditation and conformity recognition of the laboratory is provided by the State Agency "Latvian National Accreditation Bureau", which, in turn, cooperates with international accreditation organizations ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Committee) and IAF (International Accreditation Forum).

Receipt of the next accreditation certificate by JSC "Ventspils Grain Terminal" laboratory is a confirmation of the high competence of activities and the reliability of test results, which makes it possible to provide commercial services of the highest quality in this area, both nationally and internationally. Today, these services are already in high demand both within the Baltic region and far beyond its borders.

JSC “Ventspils Grain Terminal” fully completed preparations for acceptance of the new grain harvest

On July 21rd, 2020 JSC “Ventspils Grain Terminal” fully completed preparations for acceptance of the new grain harvest, performing sanitary processing of conveyor lines, storage facilities un other technological facilities of the terminal in full compliance with the GAFTA (Grain and Feed Trade Association) standards, involving GAFTA approved fumigators.

In the new season JSC “Ventspils Grain Terminal” guarantees its customers the highest quality and safety, as well as maximum range of stevedoring services when working with any type of cereals, oilseeds and legumes, other agricultural products and their processed products.

The system of quality, environment and energy management of the terminal has been recertified

JSC „Ventspils Grain Terminal” received certificates of compliance with the requirements of international standards ISO 9001/14001 with additions in energy efficiency, valid until November, 2022. The recertification of the terminal was carried out by Bureau Veritas, which is a world leader in testing, inspection and certification.

An integrated quality and environmental management system has been operating in the company since 2007. The terminal intends to continue supporting the certification, providing high quality services and all work processes, monitoring the environmental impact and energy efficiency of its activities.

JSC “Ventspils Grain Terminal” received an individual membership certificate of International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations FIATA.

FIATA represents the forwarding industry in the International Chamber of Commerce, the International Air Transport Association, the International Union of Railways, the International Road Transport Union, the World Customs Organization and the World Trade Organization, as well as has a consultant status at the UN Economic and Social Council, the UN Conference on Trade and development, the UN Commission on International Trade Law.

Membership in FIATA allows not only timely receiving relevant information, but also effectively participating in solving both local and global strategic issues of the transport sector. Thus, now JSC “Ventspils Grain Terminal” offers its customers not only stevedoring services, but also transport-forwarding services that fully comply with international requirements.


JSC “Ventspils Grain Terminal” fully completed preparations for acceptance of the new grain harvest,

performing sanitary processing of conveyor lines, storage facilities un other technological facilities of the terminal in full compliance with the GAFTA (Grain and Feed Trade Association) standards, involving GAFTA approved fumigators.

In the new season JSC “Ventspils Grain Terminal” guarantees its customers the highest quality and safety, as well as maximum range of stevedoring services when working with any type of cereals, oilseeds and legumes, other agricultural products and their processed products.

On July 15th, 2019 JSC “Ventspils Grain Terminal” received membership confirmation into Latvian Association of freight forwarders and logistics LAFF.

LAFF consolidates Latvian freight forwarders and holders of customs warehouses, represents their interests in Latvia and internationally, is a member of International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations FIATA and International Federation of Warehouse and Logistics Associations, as well as Employers' Confederation of Latvia LDDK and The Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry LTRK.

Currently, JSC “Ventspils Grain Terminal” is carrying out the procedure of registration for an individual FIATA membership in order to organize a closer cooperation with existing and potential partners on an international level.

LAFF certificate

“Bureau Veritas Latvia” confirmed the compliance of Ventspils Grain Terminal with ISO 9001:2015 un ISO 14001:2015 standards

On March 16, 2018, the audit company “Bureau Veritas Latvia” confirmed the compliance of the integrated quality management and environmental management system, which has been operating in JSC “Ventspils Grain Terminal” since 2007, with the requirements of standards ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015.

It was especially noted that the environmental management system was complemented by a continuous process of estimating energy consumption, i.е. the energy management system, which meets the requirements of the international standard ISO 50001:2012, is actually implemented and operates in the company.

ISO 9001:2015 certificate
ISO 14001:2015 certificate